"The third film in the series, The Trap, is an unusual beast. When the film opens our perpetually down-on-his-luck hero is actually on a bit of a roll. Business is booming, he’s got a new girlfriend, Akane has been accepted into college … he’s even upgrading his office equipment. Things couldn’t be better, right? Well, it wouldn’t be noir if things went well for Hama and the st...


  1. 1航向热带岛屿的冰山 10.0
  2. 2延安电影团 4.0
  3. 3山河谣 3.0
  4. 4监听 3.0
  5. 5寻找阿尔塔米拉 10.0
  6. 6游戏边缘粤语 3.0
  7. 7相扑男孩 6.0
  8. 8雕刻生命 10.0
  9. 9世纪末暑假 8.0
  10. 10公羊2015 6.0
  11. 11列侬报道 5.0
  12. 12山精 9.0
  13. 13乔治·华盛顿 2.0
  14. 14最后的忠臣藏 2.0
  15. 15柳暗花明1979 3.0
  16. 16冲撞乐队的沉浮 6.0
  17. 17黄天厚土 1.0
  18. 18人鱼童话3 3.0
  19. 19楼 2013 10.0
  20. 20清明 8.0
  21. 21江南剿匪记之致命武器 6.0
  22. 22山路上的意外 10.0
  23. 23客座艺术家 2.0
  24. 24玻璃屋 6.0
  25. 25咒怨之极度恐惧 10.0
  26. 26我们若只如初见 7.0
  27. 27冷暖群芳 5.0
  28. 28狼孩的真实冒险 2.0
  29. 29越前竹偶 10.0
  30. 30士兵的摇篮曲 9.0