In the year 2961, the time is after humanity and nature has recovered the land. A hunter named Cygnus is called to rise above his duty. He provides for Last Arc, a once nomadic band of survivors in need of food and water that is now growing scarce. The answer must be found before a group of outlandish Heretics descend upon them. Cygnus must voyage across the treacherous landscape to defend his people. Sent by Nova, the matriarch of the band, she acts based on her vision for Cygnus to find a seed of hope. The future of Last Arc is for him to discover, Cygnus ventures into a hostile landscape in search of an answer for his people. On this journey of encountering many traps and dangers, Cygnus discovers what has been hunting him is his identity.


  1. 1鼹鼠人 2.0
  2. 2重大发现 9.0
  3. 3智能崛起 10.0
  4. 4强殖装甲 7.0
  5. 5猛尸镇 2.0
  6. 6亚特兰蒂斯 失落的大陆 1.0
  7. 7返回从前的漫长旅程 5.0
  8. 8唐2022 8.0
  9. 9被时间遗忘的人 2.0
  10. 10要地球倒转 9.0
  11. 11首都消失 8.0
  12. 12魔童村 2.0
  13. 13磁力怪兽 4.0
  14. 14宇宙潮汐 5.0
  15. 15死亡密码 4.0
  16. 16魔法小女巫 10.0
  17. 17狼蛛 3.0
  18. 18X--未知的元素 4.0
  19. 19天外世界:外星人星球 1.0
  20. 20兽人雪男 6.0
  21. 21世界大战争 4.0
  22. 22失落的未来 8.0
  23. 23E.S.P.Y 3.0
  24. 24手册 10.0
  25. 25变种DNA 2 2.0
  26. 26思维游戏 2.0
  27. 27等待方舟 6.0
  28. 28心灵融合 3.0
  29. 2951区 3.0
  30. 30异星凶客 7.0